格致经济论坛第五十期:The History of Decision under Risk and Ambiguity--Leading to Modern Experimental Economics

发布者:商学院办公室  时间:2018-07-03

报告题目:The History of Decision under Risk and Ambiguity--Leading to Modern Experimental Economics

报告人:黄振兴 上海财经大学副教授






This lecture describes the current state of the art in modeling risk and ambiguity attitudes as the result of interactions between empirically oriented psychologists and theoretically oriented economists, leading to modern experimental economics.  At several stages in history, the next step forward could be made only by empirical inputs and intuitions from psychologists.  At several other stages, the next step forward could be made only by theoretical inputs from economists with advanced technical skills.  Modern views on the measurement of utility, beliefs, risk, and ambiguity attitudes could only arise from the merger of ideas from all the fields mentioned.  It was primarily this development in risk and ambiguity that has led to the behavioral approach that now pervades in all economic disciplines.  The lecture ends with speculations on future directions of risk and ambiguity studies and their implications for other economic disciplines.



黄振兴,上海财经大学副教授、经济学院院长助理,博士毕业于丁伯根经济研究所和鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学。主要研究决策理论、行为经济学、实验经济学、金融经济学,论文发表于经济学顶级期刊《American Economic Review》和《Econometrica》。